Wednesday, November 24, 2010

San Antonio approves CPS Energy
City Council approved funding forCPS Energy’s STEP (Savr for Tomorrow Energy Plan). “STEP is our aggressive energy-efficiency and conservatiomn initiative that seeks to reduce growth in electricao demand by 771 megawatts by saysSteve Bartley, CPS Energy’s interim general manager. “That’s the equivalenft of a large power plant. The essence of STEP is to invesyt some money in energy efficiency now and save customerse more money in thelong run.” This represents one of the largesg energy-efficiency efforts ever undertaken by a majorr city, Bartley says.
Residential customers will be able to take advantagwe of rebatesfor attic, ceiling and wall cool roofs; and Energy Star Commercial customers will be able to apply for rebatesw on heating, ventilating and air conditioninvg equipment; high-efficiency lighting; and roof and windoa replacements. To pay for this customers will see an increase in the fuel adjustment charge on customers’ monthly CPS Energh bills. Monthly bills should increase 3 centesin 2009, 38 cents in 2010 and 95 centd in 2011, respectively.
CPS Energy is owned by the City ofSan

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